Thank You for Visiting!

Many thanks to all our visitors who have made this site a success! We have greatly enjoyed receiving comments and answering questions from many visitors and are very hopeful that that will continue. 

Solo Build It, the company that provides the site-building educational materials, easy computer programming tools and the web hosting service for this site, has been a fantastic resource. I surely would not have been able to build this site without their help.

I hope most of you have been able to use the information on this site to help in building your own model railroads. If you have found the site useful to you, please consider making a contribution to the site in one of the following ways...

1 - Write a short article (2 or 3 paragraphs) about your experience with model railroading - anything that you think might be interesting to other model railroaders - an educational tip, a railroad station you have visited, a humorous story or a challenge that you have faced and solved.

2 - Send me a photo or photos of rail yards or trains, your layout, your benchwork, or even a map or track-plan of your layout.

3 - Showcase your layout or module or even a great scene that you've modeled that would be listed in the "Showcase" section of this site. All you need is to send 1 or 2 photos along with 1 or 2 paragraphs telling us about your layout or scene. All of us modelers would really enjoy seeing what you've accomplished.

4 - Share this site with others - friends, family and other model railroaders - even the ones that haven't started yet!  Send them a link by email. Share a link to this site on your favorite railroad forum or facebook page.

5 - Add a link to this site from your own website. Just enter the following code somewhere on your site.

<a href="" target="_blank">Building Your Model Railroad</a>

6 - Tell me about any broken links you find on this site.

7 - Check out our model railroad locomotives, railcars, scenery, electronics and other supplies at

8 - If you own a business related to model railroading, please consider advertising on this site to help us both out. Advertising rates here are very low compared to most other model railroading publications. We get thousands of page-views every day, so your ad will be sure to be seen. 

9 - Make a Donation to help keep this site afloat. Despite the ads and the store, I don't make any profit on this adventure. I do it because I enjoy it. Nevertheless, I sure would like to be able to pay the bills to keep it going. 

You can be assured that your personal and credit card information will not be saved or used for promotional purposes.

Once again, most of all, thank you very much for visiting and for participating in this great hobby. Without you there would be no need for a site like this and then what would I do?

* * * * *

Your Model Railroading Adventure!

So if you’ve got something to show, don’t let it just sit there in your basement or garage. Send us a picture. Tell us about it. It’s fun. It’s free. Go for it!

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