Shipping and Return Policies 

Shipping, Returns & Guarantee


Shipping Policy

In-stock Items purchased from Building Your Model Railroad (parent company) and any of its subsidiaries (Rail Modeler Train Store, BYMRR Hobby Central Train Station) will be shipped within 24 hours via United Postal Service (UPS), FedEx or United States Postal Service (USPS). Products that have to be shipped from affiliate, external suppliers, may take 24-72 hours.

Orders for delivery within the continental USA will have FREE standard economy shipping (we pay for shipping), unless otherwise indicated.  U.S. orders usually arrive within about 5-7 days. Fast, express 1-2 day shipping rates may also be available at Checkout, but must be paid by the customer. Orders for delivery outside the continental United States may take 10-20 days or more (Standard shipping rates apply and vary according to size and weight of the package and the distance. Shipping charges will be shown after the delivery address is entered in the Checkout area.)

International orders are welcome. Please check with local laws and customs regarding the importation of the products you want to order.


Our Easy Return Policy

You may return your purchase, for any reason, within 30 days of receipt for a 100% refund, including any taxes, shipping and handling costs that you paid with your original order. 

All returned products must be in original condition (the same condition as when you received it), and with proper packaging, or additional charges may be applied. If you have any questions about whether a product can be returned, please email us at [email protected]

Our goal is to make buying and returning easy, safe and efficient with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

To Return a Product (Instructions)

You may return your purchase within 30 days of receipt, for any reason, for a full refund, including taxes, shipping and handling charges.

Please complete the following:

 Please email customer service at [email protected] and include your original order number if possible, what product(s) you are returning, the reason for the return and your name. 

 Wrap the package carefully. All return products must be in original condition and packaging; otherwise, additional charges may be applied. Return the product using the return label that has been, or will be, provided for you.

 After repackaging and carefully attaching the return lab, set it out by your front door for next-day pickup by your USPS postman.  You may need to call USPS to schedule a pickup if your postman does not come every day or if you live in an apartment building or condo.  If the carrier is UPS, or FedEx, you should definitely call their office to schedule the pickup, or take the package to one of their offices locally. 

 Please note: We can not refund gift-wrapping charges, or other charges that you may have incurred in returning the item(s) other than that mentioned above. You must use the return shipping label that we (or the supplier, like Amazon) provide for you, to avoid having to pay for the return shipping yourself.



Building Your Model Railroad

2632 E. Kings Road

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

[email protected]

Phone: 757-904-9390

FAX: 757- 486-2208

(Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please expect delays amounting to up to 2-3 weeks beyond the expected delivery date.  This is related to closed or partially staffed warehouses and shipping priorities in favor of healthcare products.  If you have not received your purchase within 7-10 days, please notify us so we can track your order and evaluate for a replacement or refund.)

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